A Note on Tweets and Facebook

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Graham Veale is responsible for Saints and Sceptics Facebook and Twitter accounts, and takes responsibility for comments and conversations on those forums. He does retweet articles and other links at the request of other writers.

Reposting an article on Facebook or via Twitter does not mean that Saints and Sceptics endorses that article in its entirety or even in part. Nor does it always imply that we support an author, organisation or ministry. It simply means that we believe our readers and followers would be interested in reading the article’s content.

If a reader is anxious to know our stance on a controversial issue then the reader should consult the many articles on this site or one of our books. If we have not addressed the issue, then there is a reasonable chance that Saints and Sceptics does not have a considered opinion on that issue.

The opinions expressed on Saints and Sceptics are our own; they should not be attributed to any other organisation.

Please do not take offence if we fail to reply to a comment on Twitter. While we read feedback on our articles as often as we often do not have the time to discuss or debate on Facebook and Twitter. And, as a rule, we do not find debates on Twitter or Facebook to be helpful; more heat than light tends to be produced. 

We block anyone who is abusive or dismissive, who continually tries to stir up unhelpful debates or who blocks our notifications thread with unhelpful comments.

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