Even Narnians Need a Light at Christmas

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In this part of the world, and at this time of the year, it gets dark at about 4:00pm, and I quite enjoy this.

I quite enjoy the cobalt blue sky and the mist lying low in the valleys, and the mid afternoon darkness and the halos created by the street lights shining through the fog…

…and County Down is said to have been the inspiration for Narnia, even though we don’t get much snow.

But it does seem terribly dark at times, especially in the rain; however:

 “the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

John 1

It is the hope which comes to us this Advent season.

Whatever darkness we face; whatever the darkness of the nations; whatever the darkness of our increasingly secular age (although it will never be truly ‘post-christian’ – for it cannot be), we pause to reflect on the news that the greatest darkness, the one each of us should fear, has been overcome by a baby in a manger – the Everlasting Light.

County Down, the home of Narnia:courtesy of TripAdvisor

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