Sex, Fundamentalism and Irish Presbyterians

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Culture warriors might be interested in events North of the Irish border, as the Presbyterian Church in Ireland has decided that:

same-sex couples are not eligible for communicant membership nor are they qualified to receive baptism for their children.

This decision has caused some controversy within the Presbyterian church; but the reaction in the secular press has tended towards the hysterical.

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Jim Jeffries, Jordan Peterson and a Sophomoric Discussion About Cakes

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Progressives celebrated a long overdue win against the influential conservative intellectual Jordan Peterson after Comedy Central’s “controversial” comedian Jim Jeffries shut  Peterson down in debate. Vice Media has an accurate, helpful summary of the discussion:

On a June 19 episode of The Jim Jefferies Show, in which he was the focus of the profile, Peterson was asked if he thinks “making people bake a cake for a gay wedding” was a good idea.

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