Tag Archives: Evidence for God

God and Agent Explanations: A Guide for the Perplexed

“Why believe that there is a God at all? My answer is that to suppose that there is a God explains why there is a physical universe at all; why there are the scientific laws there are; why animals and then human beings have evolved; why humans have the opportunity to mould their characters and those of their fellow humans for good or ill and to change the environment in which we live; why we have the well-authenticated account of Christ‟s life, death and resurrection; why throughout the centuries millions of people (other than ourselves) have had the apparent experience of being in touch with an guided by God, and so much else.

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The Evidence for God: The Universe

Lawrence Krauss caused quite a stir with his claim that physics – and, in particular, his book A Universe from Nothing – could explain why the universe exists. In his afterword Richard Dawkins claims that Krauss has torn up ” the last remaining trump card of the theologian, ‘Why is there something rather than nothing?” This is sometimes referred to as the “cosmological argument”; and it is worth evaluating because thinkers from Plato to Leibniz , from Wittgenstein to Sartre to Weinberg have all wondered why there is something rather than nothing.

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